“Clutter” is a word that perfectly describes all those items and objects you see every day in your home but never use. It could be that collection of magazines you’ve never read, or all those shoes you trip over daily.
Not everyone has clutter, of course, but it’s likely to have come up at some point or another in your home.
It doesn’t have to be on show either. That closet packed clumsily and not opened for the past few years could be better used once the unnecessary clutter is cleared out.
So wouldn’t you prefer to benefit from new found space by clearing out old possessions? To tackle the mess, the first place to start is asking yourself a simple question: what’s your clutter style?
Closet Clutter
Behind the perfectly kept home, it’s not unlikely you’ll find a closet packed to the brim. Bursting at the seams behind its oak doors, this tiny room could be packed with mounds of clutter and useless objects that no one needs nor wants any longer.
It could be anything – old clothes, random cables or a sentimental collection of your great grandfathers stamp collection. These items no longer have any meaning to anyone.
You might already mean to clear it out, but lack the time. That closet has certainly built up a lot of junk over the years, so where do you begin? Tackle it a bit each day, slowly chipping away at the mess until it’s finally all gone.
Or if you fancy getting it done quicker, enlist the help of a friend. They can help provide the motivation and common sense required when clearing out the old items, as well as helping you clear through it twice as fast.
Bargain Clutter
You’re walking around the supermarket when you see something on offer. You don’t need it, but everything is telling you that you should buy it because it’s a once in a life time offer.
When you get home, you remember you’ve already got a hundred of them from previous “once in a life time offers” and it gets added to the pile. This could be anything: food, trinkets or other random items that you don’t need. As well as wasting your money, it’s wasting your space.
Start by understanding you’ve bought this because it’s on offer. You’ve spent money on an item you wouldn’t normally buy in an effort to save money. Once you’ve got through that, either use up the items you’ve been hoarding or sell them on to make some money back.
Book Clutter
Reading a book is a great hobby. You can learn so much from a book, and a book case looks great in your home… until it starts overflowing. Buying books that you hope to read, while not tackling the ones you own but still haven’t started is going to take up space and make the task more daunting. Reading should be fun, not a task you have to work through.
This could tie in with the bargain clutter; buying books just because they’re cheap isn’t the way to go.
To sort this one out, remove the books you’ve read and store them somewhere else or sell them on. Move through the books you own before buying anymore.
If its magazines that are plaguing your space, throw out the old issues once they’re no longer relevant. And alternatively to both, e-books and e-mags take up no space at all since they’re stored electronically.
This post was written by Crispin Jones on behalf of UK Oak Doors, the external and internal door specialists. To find out more about external and internal doors, please follow this link.
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